How to find your ideal job
How to find your ideal job
Hey guys this Youssef Logan in this article I am going to teach you how to find your ideal job. First, you must determines your thoughts and your skills.
You should discover yourself if I am a doer person or beneficiary person. Then, I will ask you question what is your concerns that can bring you profits is
it fieldwork or work from home?
1. If you tend to fieldwork it is divided into three sections.
The first one is offices work. It depends on a college certificate such as law, accounting, economics, journalism, medicine and others so if you have a
college certificate you should work in law firms and accounting offices, companies, clinics, hospitals and stations of the press and media these jobs were
dependent on skill and intelligence.
The second one is rely more on muscular effort and energy such as sales man in stores or worker in factories.
The third one is artwork and business such as industrial workshop such as carpentry and blacksmiths or start your own business like store, restaurant,
coffee shops even a small company.
2. If you tend to work from home and don't want to link yourself with the work schedules or fixed salary or do not have the skill labor crisis or enough
money to start your own business you can work from home and win a bumper profit.
Now we've gone beyond the stage of identifying our skills and our thoughts.
So here are some ideas that can quote them if you decide to work fieldwork:
1. Working in factories as a worker:
Many of factories looking for workers to work in it, you must be able to bear the hard work and work under pressure.
Sale does not need to study, but needs to sweet tongue, strength of observation, good dealing with others and find out what they, want before they
speak. If you decided to be a salesman you should be frank, honest, and don’t lie sell the product without cheating (the customer isn’t foolish) and
remember that the customer preferably the honest vendor. So to make sure the customer will back again to buy from you another time you must have the
honesty, sincerity and good treatment.
If you have a car or even you have rant it you can transfer furniture and take money for your service, but you should know it's a job is not easy and need
a lot of hard work and strong health.
5. Work in a farm or mine:
You should be strong for this job and bear the hardship and fatigue
If you are tend to work from home here are some ideas
1. Marketing on web sites:
You can marketing anything anywhere any time this job is so much
easy work. It were dependent on the time in your day if you have so much time you can marketing products or services on web sites and take commission such as food, drinks, clothes, traveling , etc.
easy work. It were dependent on the time in your day if you have so much time you can marketing products or services on web sites and take commission such as food, drinks, clothes, traveling , etc.
2. Blogging and Writing:
You can start your blog for free or web site. Write your articles and contracting with companies advertising like google adsense earn money by placing ads on your website. However, art in this case, is how to attract visitors to you and what are the issues which concern them.
3. Sites Design:
How to find your ideal job
Reviewed by TheOilSellers

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