Eleven tips to improve the company performance
Eleven tips to improve the company performance
While we are in the daily work and direct our normally, unfortunately it's seems to us some of the problems that are delaying the progress the company may
even be the cause of Bankruptcy. So if you are a manager or recently opened in accordance with need to develop your business or your company, so here are
some of the items that are the basis of management of an enterprise and that should be working on.
1. Division of Work
This is the specialization which economists consider necessary to efficiency in the use of labor. Division of work encompasses three basic concepts:
A) Breaking down a task into its components.
B) Training workers to become to become specialists in specific duties.
C) Putting activities in sequence so one person's efforts build on another's.
2. Authority and Responsibility:
Authority is the right to give directives or to command action. This right rests in the job the manager holds in an organization. Authority is a
combination of official –"deriving from the managers, position" – and personal –"compounded of intelligence, experience, moral, worth,…factors.
Responsibility is a sense of obligation that goes with authority. Authority should be delegated only to subordinates who are willing to assume commensurate
3. Discipline:
Means adhering to all plans that govern business operation. In other words, discipline is respect for agreements which are directed at achieving obedience,
application, energy, and the outward marks of respects.
4. Unity of Command:
This mean that employees should receive directions from one superior only.
5. Unity of Direction:
This mean each group of activities with the same objective must have one head and one plan. This improve coordination and ensure that energies are
channeled in the proper direction.
6. Subordination of Individual to General Interest:
The overall interest of the organization is more important than the interest of any person or group of people who work for it. Subordination of individual
to general interest is self-explanatory, when the two are found to differ management must reconcile them.
7. Remuneration of Personnel:
Remuneration and methods of payment should be fair and equitable and afford the maximum possible satisfaction to both the employees and the employer.
8. Scalar Chain:
This is line of managers from the highest to the lowest ranks. All organizational requests and directives must follow this chain.
9. Order:
This means that a place for every one and every one in its place. This is essentially a principle of organization in the arrangement of things and people.
10. Equity:
In dealing with employees, equity and kindness are most important. In other words, loyalty and devotion of kindness and justice on the part of managers
when dealing with subordinates.
11. Span of Control:
It is the number of subordinates that a single manager can effectively supervise. This varies from one situation to another. There is no magical number,
and because there is a limit to the number of employees a manager can supervise, the result is the existence of organization levels.
There are many factor affecting the span of control as following:
A- Subordinate training and experience.
B- Routineness and simplicity of work.
C- Clarity of delegation of authority.
D- Clarity of plans.
E- Rate of change.
F- Use of assistants.
G- Communication Techniques.
H- Use of objective standards.
Advantage principle of Management:
To increase management efficiency: The principle of management have been developed from experiences of various professional people. These principles
provide guidelines as to how managers should function in different situations which in turn increase their efficiency.
To develop the science of management: The principle of management make use of scientific methods for observation. They have helped to develop the science
of management. In absence of principles of management it would be not have been possible to develop the organized body of knowledge by management
practitioners, thinker and philosophers.
To train managers: Management of principles is also needed to train managers. In absence of principles the training of mangers depends upon trial and error
methods. Formalized methods of acquiring training are possible only when there exists a systemized body of specialized knowledge, techniques or principles.
To co-ordinate material and human resources: The principles of management help to coordinate the material and human resources in order to achieve the
desired goals or common objectives. Without principles of management there would be a lot of wastage of resources. The principles of management make
optimum utilization of natural resources possible.
To improve researches: The principles of management have helped in inverse of knowledge and carrying out of further research in the field of management.
These have provided new ideas imagination and visions to the organization.
To attain social objectives: Development of management principles have helped to attain the social goals by increasing efficiency in the use of scarce
resources providing good quality products and services at the lowest possible costs.
Eleven tips to improve the company performance
Reviewed by TheOilSellers

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