How i can motivate myself to study

How i can motivate myself to study

First of all you won't study if you didn't like study
Make it the big deal before you get started. So how i can make
myself turn to studying or how i can make it fun. Just keep reading

1.    Make to yourself a goal

It is mean why i need to study or for what i am studying.
Many people had been useful to themselves and their countries by Cognizance  
For example Lincoln couldn't be the president of the USA and abolish slavery. If he didn't study and Graduated from law , Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook maker Thanks to his studies which allowed him to make that amazing site
You must tell yourself I am not less of them in something and I will make myself better as like as them.

2.    Provide the necessary environment

Surrounded place is a good reason to push you to open a book on for example make sure that the place that you had been Chosen clean and quiet place. And don’t forget your tools, pencils, pens, books and  papers which needed to the studying mission make sure your disk is clean and  Orderly and uncluttered.
3.    Total isolation
Mobile phone, laptop, television even a Piece of Rubber can be the most source of distraction make yourself focused in your goal. If you decided to study you should do whatever it takes and don't let anything that Distract you and stay telling yourself I will be the first in exams and I will be an important person in the future. So make sure you had turned your mobile off, your laptop and stay away from TV and the Piece of Rubber.

4.     Mark time as your boss

You shouldn't ever waste your time if you want to finish your studying time you must take care of the quantity that will be carried out such as I have 20 page to be finished I will take it in 30 minutes. And don’t forget (DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME) I do not mind drinking some coffee or juice when I study to make the lessons wonderful.
5.    Give yourself a reward

When you finish what you had to do from studying give yourself a reward such as you can go out with your friends, playing on computer
Get back your phone after you have turned it off, there is no Problem if you watch your favorite movie and make it staring.

6.    Repeat these steps again

 Now you knew how to motivate yourself. Repeat it again and stay focused on your goals.
How i can motivate myself to study How i can motivate myself to study Reviewed by TheOilSellers on 5/27/2016 Rating: 5

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